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​Day 1
Session 1: Travel demand and behaviour

Chair and co-chair: Eric Heller (EY) and Associate Professor Taha Rashidi (UNSW)


Graph Neural Network for Robust Public Transit Demand Prediction

Can Li (UNSW)


Empirical evidence of habits and patterns in public transport use

Durba Kundu (USYD)


Mobility Response to Crisis – Heterogeneous Travel Pattern Analysis under COVID-19

Tianyang Qu (UOW)


Interdependencies of Residential and Workplace Relocation Timing Decisions using a Copula-based Bayesian Survival Approach: Findings from Australia and US

Maryam Bostanara (UNSW)


Session 2: Public transport planning

Chair and co-chair: Jennifer Adam (TfNSW) and Professor John Nelson (USYD)


Should we manufacture rolling stock onshore? 

Christopher Day (USYD)


The Bounds of Improvements Towards Real-Time Forecast of Multi-Scenario Train Delays

Jianqing Wu (UOW)


Urban Design Around Public Transport Hubs

Anoulack Chanthivong (USYD)


Open Data Validation of the Performance of a Smart City Application in Transport: The PTIPS Transport Signal Priority Request System

Teck Kean Chin (USYD)


Effect of Bus Lanes on Bus Operational Performance

Tingsen (Tim) Xian (USYD)


Session 3: Automated vehicles

Chair and co-chair: Evan Walker (TfNSW) and Professor John Rose (UTS)


Socially efficient interactions among autonomous vehicles

Ang Ji (USYD)


Time-dependent optimal deployment of autonomous vehicles in congested mixed autonomy networks

Mohammadhadi Mansourianfar (UNSW)


A bifurcation of the peak: New patterns of traffic peaking during the COVID-19 era

Yang Gao (USYD)


Automated vehicles and active travel: A quantitative Dutch-Australian comparison

Tony Arnold (USYD)


Session 4: Future city logistics

Chair and co-chair: Michael Stokoe (TfNSW) and Professor Vinayak Dixit (UNSW)


A Vehicle-drone Delivery Routing Problem for E-grocery Home Delivery

Hamidreza Ensafian (USYD)


An empirical analysis of a drone ecosystem in logistics: A fourth-party logistics (4PL) framework for warehouse operations and last mile delivery

Mujtaba Hussain (USYD)


Ghost Kitchens - A supply chain network design model for 'Ghost Kitchens' and meal delivery

Dat Tien Le (USYD)


Autonomous Mobile Lockers (AMLs) for City Logistics.

Jun (Elsa) Li (USYD)


Day 2 
Session 1: Sustainable transport

Chair and co-chair: Julie Morgan (TfNSW) and Dr Michelle Zeibots (UTS)


Application of tyre derived aggregates in ballasted and ballastless (slab) tracks

Mohammad Adnan Farooq (UTS)


Optimal parking space and charging station provision for electric ride-souring vehicles

Bangyang Wei (UNSW)


Integrated optimisation of electric bus scheduling and top-up charging at bus stops with fast chargers

Hao Hu (UOW)


An artificial intelligence-enabled life cycle assessment to identify the environmental impacts of e-waste transportation

Abd Moh’d (USYD)


Time is running out – How do airlines engage with the 'sustainability' generation while closing the technological gap?

David Li (USYD)


Session 2: Point-to-point transport

Chair and co-chair: Simon Young (CISCO) and Dr Milad Haghani (UNSW)


Geo-fencing in point-to-point ridesharing

Mengyuan Zhu (USYD)


Addressing supply and demand heterogeneity: Trip order menus in point-to-point transport platforms

Yue Yang (USYD)


Economic analysis of ridesourcing market considering driver's order cancellation behaviour

Kai Xu (UNSW)


Modelling and Managing Ride-sourcing Operations of Mixed Human-driven and Autonomous Fleets

Linji Chen (USYD)


Session 3: Novel transport modelling techniques

Chair and co-chair: Simon Kinnear (TMA) and Professor Michiel Bliemer (USYD)


Ensemble Model of Route Choice

Haotian Wang (USYD)


Extended node model with lane choice equilibrium

Xiaolin Gong (USYD)


Ensemble Forecasting - an application in hedonic models

Hao Wu (UNSW)


A Dynamic Sensitivity Model for Unidirectional Pedestrian Flow with Overtaking Behaviour and its Application on Social Distancing's Impact during COVID-19

Cheng Zhang (UOW)


Session 4: Transport network analysis

Chair and co-chair: Matt Faber (Niobe Consulting) and Professor David Levinson (USYD)


Empirical model of land use and public transit co-developments in Sydney

Bahman Lahoorpoor (USYD)


Co-evolution of Sydney's Transit Network and Demand

Hema Rayaprolu (USYD)


An investigation into the development of transport solutions in New South Wales

Gavin Cavanagh (UTS)


Transportation Resilience Optimisation from an Economic Perspective

Tingting Zhang (UNSW)


Resilient Road Network Investment Strategy with Uncertainty Quantification

Chence Niu (UNSW)

Day 3 
Session 1: Safety and disruption

Chair and co-chair: Simon Kinnear (TMA) and Professor Pascal Perez (UOW)


Evaluating the vulnerability of urban railway network infrastructure by analysing railway accident reports

Wei-Ting Hong (USYD)


Traffic incident duration modelling using Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Artur Grigorev (UTS)


Prediction of the mechanical response of a railway track

Piyush Punetha (UTS)


Multi-modal Public Transport Modelling under Large Scale Disruptions

Dong Zhao (UTS)


Intelligent Agents in Transport

Kevin Malysiak (UOW)


Session 2: Mobility-as-a-Service and on-demand transport

Chair and co-chair: Lewis Clark (TfNSW) and Professor David Hensher (USYD)


The social impact of flexible transport in rural areas, a case study in regional NSW

Miguel Loyola (USYD)


Building Trust and Collaboration among stakeholders in Mobility as a Service Ecosystems

Thiranjaya Kandanaarachchi (USYD)


MaaS and Sustainability: How MaaS may deliver social goals?

Aitan Militao (USYD)


Session 3: Congestion management and pricing

Chair and co-chair: Mathew Jones (TfNSW) and Dr Divya Jayakumar Nair (UNSW)


Optimal real-time pricing in Cities: Crediting Drivers to Avoid CBDs

Ye Li (USYD)


Modelling Congestion Propagation as a Spreading Phenomenon

Mudabber Ashfaq (UNSW)


Mitigating Negative Externalities of Ridesourcing: Dynamic Discount Pricing of Shared Rides

Guipeng Jiao (USYD)


A path-based pricing and incentives method to alleviate traffic congestion

Mingye Luan (UNSW)


Session 4: Innovations in freight transport and logistics

Chair and co-chair: Darren Mcnamara (TfNSW) and Dr Jyotirmoyee Bhattacharjya (USYD)


Logistics for Emergency Medical Services

Changle Song (USYD)


Unstructured big data analytics for logistics planning

Arda Gezdur (USYD)


A life cycle analysis using big data on modern slavery in the transportation sector

Rebecca Nguyen (USYD)


Adding value through innovation in a logistics service provider firm

Sonali Tripathi (USYD)


Urban co-modality with endogenous passenger and freight demands and levels of services

Mingyou Ma (UNSW)



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