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The 6th Annual Symposium of the Transport Research Association for NSW took place at the University of Wollongong Business School Sydney CBD Campus on November 9, 2023.


The event hosted more than 150 delegates from government, industry, and academia, with over 50 oral and poster presentations given by research students and post-doctoral researchers from the University of Sydney, UNSW, UTS, and the University of Wollongong. In each of the three streams, early career researchers had the opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions and receive feedback/suggestions to improve their research study. Erik Heller, Partner EY, and Prof. Mark Hickman, TAP Chair and Professor of Transport Engineering at The University of Queensland, delivered inspiring keynote speeches highlighting the potential challenges that the transport sector will face in the next years on the pathway to a greener mobility. We would like to thank Dr. Bo Du and his team, University of Wollongong, for the remarkable organization of the symposium.


The awards as judged by the TRANSW Symposium Committee went to:


Best Oral Presentations

Stream 1: Ruiyi Zhao, University of New South Wales

Stream 2: Veronica Schulz, The University of Sydney

Stream 3: Tingsen (Tim) Xian, The University of Sydney


Best Poster

Seyed Mohammad Khalili, University of New South Wales​. 


​STREAM 1 - Electric, Automated and Shared Mobility


Optimizing the deployment of chargers for electric fleet considering heterogeneous chargers and electric vehicles
Hao Hu, University of Wollongong
A pricing determination for pricing balancing the charging demand of electric vehicle
Qi Wang, Western Sydney University & University of Wollongong
“Door-to-door” carbon emission calculation for airlines – its decarbonization potential and impact
David Li, University of Sydney 


A reinforcement learning model for autonomous agent navigation in grid-based environments

Abdullah Zareh Andaryan, University of Sydney 


A dynamic-confidence 3D multi-object tracking method based on spatio-temporal association

Ruihao Zeng, University of Sydney 


Price of anarchy of traffic assignment with exponential cost functions

Jianglin Qiao, Western Sydney University & University of Wollongong 


Game-theoretic modelling of integrated longitudinal and lateral vehicle maneuvers

Zhaohan Wang, University of Sydney


Emerging mobility in smart cities empowered by blockchain and deep data

Ruiyi Zhao, University of New South Wales   


Learning from the literature: insights for regulating e-scooters in New South Wales, Australia

Yuting Zhang, University of Sydney 


Multi-tiered ridesourcing services in the e-hailing market

Guipeng Jiao, University of Sydney


Integrated operator and user-based rebalancing in dockless shared e-micromobility systems

Elnaz Emami, University of Sydney 


Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) and the potential of multi-services

Aitan M. Militao, University of Sydney 



STREAM 2 - Active, Safe and Freight Transportation

Railway safety deterioration as a potential hazard
Weiting Hong, University of Sydney
Pre-disaster self-evacuation transport network design under uncertain demand and connectivity reliability: a novel bi-level programming model
Junxiang Xu, University of New South Wales
Beyond machine learning: the power of large language models in traffic accident management
Artur Grigorev, University of Technology Sydney
Resilient tracks on trash: polymers to enhance safety and stability of railways on landfills
Marwa Mohsen, University of Technology Sydney 


Movement patterns of pedestrians and cyclists at signalized segregated crosswalks

Cheng Zhang, University of Wollongong


On the transferability of pedestrian demand models: empirical insights from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane

Fatemeh Nourmohammadi, University of New South Wales 


Incorporating ethics in the active network design and development

Mehrdad Memarpour, University of New South Wales 


Sharing road space: modelling shared spaces with agents with diverse and conflicting Goals

Delilah Slack-Smith, University of Technology Sydney


Redefining EMS efficiency: beyond response time to enhanced survival rate

Changle Song, University of Sydney


Multi-hop on-demand courier-parcel delivery through spatial division of labor

Yue Yang, University of Sydney 


Uncovering the determinants of shippers' willingness to shift from road to rail freight transport

Kesewa Agyemang, University of New South Wales 


Enhancing last-mile delivery planning: understanding drivers' preferences with machine learning

Zahra Nourmohammadi, University of New South Wales 


Anchored in sustainability: a system dynamics model for ship recycling in the Port of Newcastle

Veronica Schulz, University of Sydney 



STREAM 3 - Transport Modelling

Modelling public transport disruptions and impact by smart-card data
Dong Zhao, University of Technology Sydney
Adaptive behaviour of intelligent agents under schedule disturbances in rail systems
Kevin Malysiak, University of Wollongong
Unveiling the underlying mechanics: principal stress rotation's impact on railway track subgrade behavior
Lakshmi Nair, University of Technology Sydney
The role of right turns in bus operation
Tingsen (Tim) Xian, University of Sydney

Bridging decisions and destinations: advanced computational models for household decision-making in land use and transportation
Maryam Bostanara, University of New South Wales
A fuzzy logic based home based work trip generation approach using high-frequency data
Thivya Amalan, University of Wollongong
Investigating the value of travel time of Sydney residents by developing time-use models
Maliheh Tabasi, University of New South Wales
Incorporation of non-persistent delays in macroscopic network modeling
Xiaolin Gong, University of Sydney

A multi-stage spatial queueing model with logistic arrivals and departures consistent with the microscopic fundamental diagram and hysteresis
Yang Gao, University of Sydney

Decentralized intersection control: enhancing autonomous vehicle navigation and traffic efficiency
Alireza Soltani, University of Sydney
Towards a capability improvement framework for information requirements management on rail infrastructure projects
Yu Chen, University of Technology Sydney
Achieving greater circularity in the construction and demolition industry: a greater Sydney case study
Ze Wang, University of Sydney

Putting people first: human factors-driven infrastructure design for empowering active travel
Sara Haider, University of Sydney

Poster Presentation List

P1. Dat Le, University of Sydney. On-demand meal delivery: a Markov model for circulating couriers.


P2. Durba Kundu, University of Sydney. Empirical evidence of habits and patterns in public transport use.


P3. Laya Hossein Rashidid, University of Sydney. The impact of the built environment on active travel mode choices among school students in NSW, Australia.


P4. Arkar Than Win, University of Sydney. Implication of AVs operational models on accessibility and transport-related social exclusion.


P5. Mobina Faqani, University of Sydney. Tracing the behavioural performance of drivers in a car-following simulator experiment: a multi mental workloads and traffic flow conditions study.


P6. Xiaowei Liu, University of Wollongong. Resilience assessment of urban rail transit stations.


P7. Seyedehsan Seyedabrishami, University of Sydney. Enhancing safety analysis through microscopic traffic modelling.


P8. Yuanchen Ma, University of New South Wales. Development of activity-based modelling leveraging novel deep learning methods.


P9. Jason Wang, University of New South Wales. Household relocation and cost of travelling: a CGE framework for strategic transport appraisal.


P10. Haotian Wang, University of Sydney. A new measure of similarity between routes.


P11. Arupa Sarkar, University of Wollongong. Battery attack detection in unmanned aerial vehicle using artificial intelligence.


P12. Qiuyun Luan, University of Wollongong. Long short-term memory neural network modelling of bottleneck pedestrian evacuation based on transfer learning.


P13. Seyed Mohammad Khalili, University of New South Wales. Optimizing transit planning for the evacuation of vulnerable people during natural hazards.


P14. Yining Hu, University of New South Wales. Optimizing signal control at continuous-flow intersections considering traffic progress.


P15. Chia-Jung (Robert) Yeh, University of Sydney. Enhancing public transport accessibility: Should we use feeder bus or shared-bike system?


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